• Maybe you have decided you want to know how the food you are eating is cared for before it gets to your table. Maybe you want to shorten your food chain so much that the beginning of the chain is your back yard and the end is your kitchen. Maybe you just want to know because it's important to continue to learn. Whatever the reason you are here, you have decided to take the step to learn how to go from feathered clucker to crispy fried Sunday dinner. We know as well as you do that you have options for learning, we love options. Option 1) YouTube- its free, you can spend hours watching someone else process chickens and you can ask them lots of questions (they wont answer because its pre recorded but you can ask). Maybe you'll pick up a little information after spending hours of your valuable time in front of the a screen....but you still don't really know what you're are doing Option 2 ) Find another farm that's processing their chickens, volunteer to help so you can learn and be put on what can only be described as an assembly line. You will be really good at 1 step of the process after doing only that step 50+ times. Consider finding a few more farms to volunteer at and after only 200-300 birds, you almost know what to do. Option 3) Join us for a hands on workshop brought to by two business joining forces for nearly 4 decades of combined homesteading experience. You get 2 licensed educators cable of tailoring the experience to your learning style. You get to practice the entire process from start to finish HANDS ON as many times as you would like so that when you leave you feel confident in your new skill set. Proud of the work you did in class? Good! you get to bring one of the birds you processed home with you to share with family. But what if you forget what we did? No worries, we will send the step by step guide home with you detailing exactly what we did. Still aren't sure? We are local and we aren't going anywhere, you can reach out anytime and we will be happy to help regain your confidence.

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